Monday, June 15, 2009

The Pirate Party Takes Home an EU Victory!

Could this be a start for a freer, more artistic environment for our planet? According to

"The official platform of the Swedish Pirate Party is threefold: 1) Reform copyright law by decriminalizing all noncommercial copying and publicly encouraging the use of peer-to-peer networks, 2) Abolish all patents and 3) Respect the right to privacy by putting an “emergency brake” on the increasing surveillance of citizens. On all other questions, the Swedish Pirate Party has chosen to remain neutral."

We'll find out!

Source: AdBusters

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Added Pirate Search!

In the box on the left featuring a "Google Custom Search," you can now search for videos, music, and a ton of other shit. Now go on an adventure to find your favourite cartoons!

And click the ads, please.

If I still lived in Kentucky...

I would probably be making an effort to be more sociable. I was just reading through several people's Myspace pages about how they're all happily married, and the ones who aren't married are partying it up and having a great time.

And that's what I would like. Fun.

I wonder where it is I went wrong. Before I moved to NJ, I was fucking up somehow. I should've made more real friends.