I'm lead to believe that there is no meaning to life as a whole, but that everyone sets their own meanings for life. One person might be born to reproduce. Another is born to bake cakes. Yet, another is born to create machines that mass produce cars. My meaning is to tell stories.
Standing outside last night as I was enjoying my last cigarette before bed, I started to contemplate this. If I were to assign myself a meaning, what would it be? What does everything I do become once it's done? I had questions, and Radio Shack wasn't there to oblige. Of course, I started thinking about my ritualistic habits and tendencies.
Everytime I try to make a serious or difficult decision, I ask myself what it is that would make a good story. "Wouldn't it make an awesome story if I decided to move to another state on a whim? No wait, let's decide over a game of 'Rock, Paper, Scissors'. That will make it more interesting!" I do these things, and I always feel like I made the right choice. After all, what's more meaningful in life than to be able to tell younger generations the truth about how incredible your life has been?
Interestingly, I think this all started one day when someone was telling me a[n] [obviously] fake story about getting arrested. As I listened, I couldn't help but feel sorry for them. "As interesting as this person ACTUALLY is, why would they make up a fake story to try and sound exciting?" I decided from that day forward that I would make EVERYTHING an adventure, and I would only tell stories that at least one other person could confirm. What a challenge!
But having a good story is how I deal with things throughout my daily grind. I'm 24 and this is the 4th state where I've lived since I left my parents' house. I do everything I choose to do, even if it disrupts another person's plans. That's me, and that's how I would like to be remembered one day: the guy with a life worth putting into a good story.
So what is your meaning of life? Please share.