Thursday, February 9, 2012

Where Can You Speak Freely Anymore?

Recently, I have had these instances where I would like to tell people things on Facebook or Twitter, but it seems like the lack of privacy in these networks makes freedom of speech nonexistent.

For instance: if I were to make a joke about how much I hate my job and how I would like to incinerate the property, I would run the risk of suffering many repercussions. A senior co-worker with nothing better to do than creep through social networks might view me as a risk to the company and have me reprimanded. Some law enforcement official might take things seriously and have a SWAT team coming to kick my ass and send me to jail. Future prospective employers might even decide that I'm too incompetent to pick me as a future employee, as well! Why is society so prone to taking the personal lives of regular, everyday people so seriously?

Another example: say I am having some pent-up mental issues and I want to vent. If I post them to Facebook, then I would have family members blowing up my phone wondering why my life sucks. Tweeting them would have a small portion of the world trolling me, while my few followers would be questioning what it is that makes me worth stalking. My wife would see an entry in either place and question why it is I haven't tried running these issues past her for review, while simultaneously (and unintentionally) making me feel like a terrible person for airing out problems that she could've potentially fixed. This example is a lose-lose situation.

My last scenario: I decide to tell a controversial joke. If it's about a particular ethnicity, someone is going to think I'm an uneducated bigot and question the authenticity of my ethics. Should I utter something about either gender, I'm labeled a male chauvenistic pig with a distorted perception of reality. Shall I decide to bark about religious beliefs, the "Church of the Sacred Bleeding Heart of Flying Spaghetti Monsters" is going to condemn me to eternal unrest and have me further exiled from humanity. I really wish this paragraph was a joke, but it's not.

So where is it that a middle-class, caucasian, male can share his frustrations anymore? Has free speech lost its luster to political correctness and hyper-censorship? Will I ever be allowed to stand out in the world without a knife in my back?

I want answers, but it seems that this luxury has been expended. A new world has slowly phaged into our lives, and it appears that a new chapter is going to have to emerge in my life. This new chapter will likely have many calculated losses, and the character structure of my life's story might have to drastically change in the near time to come.

Apparently, a new event horizon has become manifest for this cyberspace pirate.

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